220 research outputs found

    The Pacific Alliance and ASEAN: opportunities and challenges in the strengthening of ties

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    ASEAN countries have a limited impact on the trade of Pacific Alliance (PA) countries, although Chile and Peru have trade agreements with some of them. However, and parallel to an incipient growth in trade flows, there have been initiatives aimed at tightening links, both bilaterally and inter-regionally. The PA has stated its aim, in its Vision 2030, to promote external and inter-institutional relations, including deepening economic–trade cooperation with ASEAN. The objective of this study is to carry out an analysis of the trade and political ties between the Alliance members with the main ASEAN partners—Vietnam, Thailand, Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philippines and Singapore—taking into account the opportunities and challenges that arise. The research is descriptive based on a qualitative methodology that draws on the collection and interpretation of data, mainly secondar. In this regard, the documentary observation and document analysis techniques are used, among others

    Two-spin entanglement distribution near factorized states

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    We study the two-spin entanglement distribution along the infinite S=1/2S=1/2 chain described by the XY model in a transverse field; closed analytical expressions are derived for the one-tangle and the concurrences CrC_r, rr being the distance between the two possibly entangled spins, for values of the Hamiltonian parameters close to those corresponding to factorized ground states. The total amount of entanglement, the fraction of such entanglement which is stored in pairwise entanglement, and the way such fraction distributes along the chain is discussed, with attention focused on the dependence on the anisotropy of the exchange interaction. Near factorization a characteristic length-scale naturally emerges in the system, which is specifically related with entanglement properties and diverges at the critical point of the fully isotropic model. In general, we find that anisotropy rule a complex behavior of the entanglement properties, which results in the fact that more isotropic models, despite being characterized by a larger amount of total entanglement, present a smaller fraction of pairwise entanglement: the latter, in turn, is more evenly distributed along the chain, to the extent that, in the fully isotropic model at the critical field, the concurrences do not depend on rr.Comment: 14 pages, 6 figures. Final versio

    Foreign policy, development, and international strategies towards asia pacific : The cases of Argentina and Chile

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    In the 21st century, the links between South America and the Asian region have been more constant, and these links have had different interpretations according to their consequences in the domestic South American economies, as well as their relation with the current integration processes in the region and the different economic insertion strategies. It is observed that there are differences in the way in which the South American countries insert in Asia, so the aim of this work is to analyze the characteristics of the foreign policy and the strategies of foreign insertion of Argentina and Chile towards China, South East Asia and India, highlighting the articulation between the economic and productive structures, the international insertion models and some economic implications. The case studies selected represent two different development models that have chosen dissimilar foreign insertion strategies, with the consequence of diverse relationships with the Asian region. The research was carried out through a qualitative methodology and a South American theoretical perspective.Fil: Rubiolo, María Florencia. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Córdoba. Centro de Investigaciones y Estudios sobre Cultura y Sociedad. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Centro de Investigaciones y Estudios sobre Cultura y Sociedad; ArgentinaFil: Baroni, Paola Andrea. Universidad Empresarial Siglo XXI; Argentin

    The FLaReNet Databook

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    A collection of all the factual material collected during the activities of the FLaReNet project and a set of innovative initiatives and instruments that will remain in place for the continuous collection of such "facts". Editors: Paola Baroni, Claudia Soria, Nicoletta Calzolari. Contributors: Victoria Arranz, N?ria Bel, Gerhard Budin, Tommaso Caselli, Khalid Choukri, Riccardo Del Gratta, Elina Desypri, Gil Francopoulo, Francesca Frontini, Sara Goggi, Olivier Hamon, Erhard Hinrichs, Penny Labropoulou, Lothar Lemnizer, Steven Krauwer, Valerie Mapelli, Joseph Mariani, Monica Monachini, Jan Odijk, Jungyeul Park, Stelios Piperidis, Adam Przepiorkowski, Valeria Quochi, Eva Revilla, Laurent Romary, Francesco Rubino, Irene Russo, Helmut Schmidt, Hans Uszkoreit, Peter Wittenburg

    WIKIMEMO: A Portal for Italian Language and Culture Heritage Conservation

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    The FLaReNet Consortium and Network: 1st September 2008 - 31st August 2011

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    Some statistics relating to the Individual Subscribers, the Institutional Members and the National Contact Points of the FLaReNet network are reported and analysed

    La Cooperación Sur–Sur birregional. Oportunidades y desafíos del FOCALAE en la agenda internacional del siglo XXI

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    El presente trabajo pretende realizar un aporte a las reflexiones sobre losdesafíos que plantea la cuarta revolución industrial (4RI) para los paísesdel Sur y las oportunidades que la cooperación internacional puede brindarpara disminuir las condiciones de dependencia estructural dentro del sistemainternacional actual.En función de ello, se cuestiona sobre de las posibles acciones de CooperaciónSur–Sur (CSS) a ser llevadas adelante por los países en desarrollo,para enfrentar estos desafíos. A partir de dicho cuestionamiento, se realiza un breve análisis de los desafíos que plantea la 4RI, así como de las oportunidades que las asociaciones bi o interregionales ofrecen para América Latina y el Este de Asia.A partir del referido análisis, se esbozan algunas propuestas que ponen su foco en la implementación de proyectos de CSS birregionales para la transferencia de know how y nuevas tecnologías en el marco del Foro de Cooperación América Latina–Este de Asia (FOCALAE); así como también la utilización de este Foro como centro articulador para la conformación de cadenas de valor global (CVG) y regional (CVR) a partir de una estrategia público–privada orientada a la internacionalización de las Pymes y el estímulo a la inversión extranjera directa (IED).Finalmente, a partir del análisis y las propuestas realizadas, se destaca lanecesidad de capitalizar las posibilidades de cooperación birregional queel FOCALAE proporciona tanto entre el sector público como el privado,la sociedad civil y la academia para impulsar las diferentes acciones quepermitan disminuir el rezago latinoamericano en el marco de la 4RI y lasnuevas condiciones de dependencia que esta puede establecer en el sistemainternacional actual. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.22529/sp.2020.50.0

    La política exterior de India hacia Asia del sur y el océano Índico ante el impacto de la nueva ruta de la seda

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    The 21st century implied for India a reformulation of its external strategies. One of the main challenges faced in the region is China due to the difficult political relationship as a result of unsolved borders disputes, and the strategic and economic implications of the New Silk Road. India has focused on accelerating its economic growth and on political cooperation with its neighbors. However, China’s actions in South Asia and the Indian Ocean have led India to rethink its position in the region, but it does not have the necessary resources to carry out important projects. In the face of the challenge that China represents for India’s national interest in the region, the aim of this article has been to analyze –through theoretical concepts linked to foreign policy analysis – India’s actions towards its neighborhood and their results until now.El siglo xxi implicó para India reformular sus estrategias externas. Uno de los principales desafíos que enfrenta en la región es China debido a la difícil relación política por las disputas territoriales no resueltas, y por las implicancias estratégicas y económicas de la Nueva Ruta de la Seda. India ha puesto el foco en acelerar su crecimiento económico y en la cooperación política con sus vecinos. Sin embargo, las acciones de China en el Sur de Asia y el océano Índico llevan a India a repensar su posición en la región, pero no cuenta con los recursos necesarios para emprender grandes proyectos. Ante el desafío que representa China para el interés nacional indio, el objetivo del trabajo ha sido analizar –a través de conceptos vinculados al análisis de política exterior– las acciones de India hacia su vecindario y sus resultados hasta el momento

    Nutritional Control of Nucleocytoplasmic Localization of cAMP-dependent Protein Kinase Catalytic and Regulatory Subunits in Saccharomyces cerevisiae

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    In budding yeast, cAMP-dependent protein kinase (PKA) plays a central role in the nutritional control of metabolism, cell cycle, and transcription. This study shows that both the regulatory subunit Bcy1p and the catalytic subunit Tpk1p associated with it are predominantly localized in the nucleus of rapidly growing cells. Activation of nuclear PKA by cAMP leads to fast entry of a significant part of Tpk1p into the cytoplasm, while the regulatory subunit remains nuclear. In contrast to rapidly proliferating cells, both Bcy1p and Tpk1p are distributed over nucleus and cytoplasm in cells growing on a nonfermentable carbon source or in stationary phase cells. These results demonstrate that at least two different mechanisms determine the subcellular localization of PKA; cAMP controls the localization of Tpk1p, and the carbon source determines that of Bcy1p. The N-terminal domain of Bcy1p serves to target it properly during logarithmic and stationary phase. Studies with Bcy1p mutant versions unable to concentrate in the nucleus revealed that cells producing them are less viable in stationary phase than wild type cells, display delayed reproliferation following transfer to fresh growth medium, and, as diploids, exhibit reduced efficiency of sporulation

    Semantic Press

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    In this paper Semantic Press, a tool for the automatic press review, is introduced. It is based on Text Mining technologies and is tailored to meet the needs of the eGovernment and eParticipation communities. First, a general description of the application demands emerging from the eParticipation and eGovernment sectors is offered. Then, an introduction to the framework of the automatic analysis and classification of newspaper content is provided, together with a description of the technologies underlying it